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Original Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal,32 OZ Cereal Bag
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Original Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal,32 OZ Cereal Bag

Product ID: 460403468
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Wake up to the epic combination of cinnamon and sugar in General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal. Every crispy square is blasted with CINNADUST, the irresistible mix of real cinnamon and sugar that makes your mouth happy. Just pour a bowl and add milk. Don't forget to slurp up the CINNAMILK—the delicious cereal milk you find at the bottom of your bowl after enjoying Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal. Parents like that each crispy square is made with whole grain wheat, and without high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors. Plus, every serving provides vitamins and minerals as part of a delicious kids breakfast. The classic kids snack is a favorite with grown-ups, too. Enjoy this crunchy cinnamon cereal any way you like. Sprinkle the crispy squares over a sundae as ice cream toppings. Nibble from a bowlful as party snacks. Or pack them in your brown bag lunch. Explore all the fun creations you can make with Cinnamon Toast Crunch recipes from General Mills, including cereal bars, snack mixes and cakes. This 32-ounce cereal bag contains about 22 servings of sweetened rice and whole wheat cereal and is an official participating Box Tops product to help support education. Whether you're looking for delicious kids snacks, trail mix ingredients or a breakfast cereal for the whole family, General Mills cereals spread goodness from tots to grown-ups. One 32 oz resealable bag of General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal Taste the epic combination of cinnamon and sugar blasted on every square Crispy, sweetened whole wheat and rice squares Kids breakfast cereal made with no high fructose corn syrup or artificial flavors Just add milk to get that unmatched combination of CINNACRUNCH and CINNAMILK in your cereal bowl Store this 32-ounce cereal bag in your pantry for a quick breakfast food or school snacks for kids

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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